Bloomberg: "Near Equality is No Equality"

New York mayor Bloomberg gave a major speech on marriage equality yesterday at Cooper Union.  An excerpt:

"Today, a majority of Americans support marriage equality—and young people increasingly view marriage equality in much the same way as young people in the 1960s viewed civil rights. Eventually, as happened with civil rights for African-Americans, they will be a majority of voters. And they will pass laws that reflect their values and elect presidents who personify them.  It is not a matter of if—but when.  And the question for every New York State lawmaker is: Do you want to be remembered as a leader on civil rights? Or an obstructionist? On matters of freedom and equality, history has not remembered obstructionists kindly."

You can read the whole thing here

Bloomberg has been a major campaign donor and supporter of key Republicans in the New York state legislature.  This gives him influence and leverage that he will hopefully use to help bring equality to his state. 

In the picture above, the mayor is shown with his niece, Rachel Tiven, who is a lesbian.